Screen Language #6

Transforms inside screens and transform warpers

In my Basics #4 tutorial, we've talked about the Animation and Transformation Language (ATL) - Using transform properties inside image and transform statements, and applying defined transforms to a shown image. I highly recommend catching up with that one if you haven't read it yet, as it covers the basics that you'll need in today's tutorial.

Caught up with it yet? Or familiar with the subject already? Great, let's dive in.

define l = Character("Lezalith",
    who_color = "E34D0C")

define e = Character("Eileen",
    who_color = "E6E600")

label start():

    l "How have you been, Eileen?"

    e "I've been doing great lately."


In this snippet of code, I define two Solid displayables in different colors. They are then both positioned, the blue one with a defined transform and the red one with transform properties inside the add statement's block.

Both ways work equally well, however, we'll be dropping the way of the red square, defining properties straight in the statement's block, and instead focus on defining transforms.

This unlocks new options - we've already seen one in Basics #4, where we can include an image inside a transform statement. I'll put a snapshot of it to the right so that you can remind yourselves how that looks like.

"What other options have we unlocked?", you ask? Boys and girls, you've seen nothing yet. Prepare to learn about warpers.

The summary bullet points!

  • One!
  • Two!
  • Three!
  • Four!

The final words!